Develop and expand modern learning environments for students and staff.
Why is this urgent?
The Allentown School District will provide equitable access to modern learning environments that leverage technology to enhance instruction, personalize learning, and foster the development of essential digital literacy skills to prepare our students for their future. Technology allows for universal approaches for learning, ensuring that all students can access the curriculum. By integrating technology into all aspects of the educational experience, we can empower our students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and creators who are ready to thrive in a digital age. Ensuring that all students have access to technology and the skills to use it effectively is crucial for closing the digital divide and promoting equity in education.
Equity Commitment
Technology can be a great equalizer in education. It provides access to a wider range of information and learning opportunities. Modern learning environments provide students with the opportunity to take ownership of their learning journeys and develop essential skills for their future. Schools will bridge the gap for students experiencing technology access challenges by providing modern learning environments with devices and internet connectivity, supporting equal access to education.
Investigate, develop, and implement a sustainable budget model that addresses opportunity gaps through investments in technology infrastructure, devices, software, hardware, curriculum, resources, and training.
Evaluate and upgrade technology infrastructure and plans for continued movement towards a 2:1 technology ratio (one at home and one at school) for students.
Transform physical and virtual learning spaces to generate cutting-edge, student-centered environments by coordinating efforts of District departments.
Engage the Innovation Task Force to develop a framework to update technology policies and practices given rapid technology changes.
Leverage the expertise of the Innovation Task Force to guide the development and implementation of the use of generative technological advances in the classroom.
Create professional learning experiences that support teachers’ use of state-of-the art emergent technology to move towards engaging student-centered learning.
Provide staff with opportunities to investigate, pilot, and measure the effectiveness of emergent technology software and hardware designed to support student outcomes and staff practices.
Develop systems and structures for staff to collaboratively design and share technology integration approaches using current curricular materials in student-centered classroom experiences and instruction.
Adopt the Future Ready Framework to fuel the mindset required for critical thinking, analysis, and learning skills required in the 21st century with best practices in leadership.
Engage students in expanded opportunities to explore and demonstrate creative and cutting-edge approaches to learning through the use of student-centered instructional practices and technology-infused learning tasks.
Revolutionize student learning by developing systems and structures around integrating technology to create a dynamic, personalized, and accessible educational environment that extends beyond the classroom walls.
Proactively establish a robust framework of policies and administrative guidelines to govern the appropriate and effective utilization of emerging and generative technologies by students and staff, ensuring alignment with best practices and ethical considerations.
Track device-to-student ratio disaggregated by demographics; Monitor budget allocations and spending on technology infrastructure, devices, software, and professional development; Analyze student work samples for creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills; Collect and analyze teacher and student reflections and demonstrations of emergent technologies; Gather feedback from stakeholders on technology access, effectiveness, and impact; Publish policies and administrative guidelines.