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The Allentown School District serves students and families with a wide range of strengths, needs and challenges.  In order to more effectively service school communities, the District will organize into three Networked Improvement Communities of Schools (NICS).  

These NICS are designed to address specific needs and provide targeted support to students and families.  Each NIC is assigned an Executive Director, who will directly supervise, coach, and evaluate the Principals in the NIC.   

As part of Allentown School District Central Office Transformation, Central Office staff will be aligned to provide support across the levels of authority. 

INSPIRE Learning Network

Empowering Educators, Inspiring Innovation, Elevating Students and Shaping Futures Ms. Tiffany Polek, Executive Director of Instructional Leadership

Principal Mr. Frank Derrick

William Allen High School

Acting Principal Mr. Frank Derrick

Allentown Core Alliance

Literacy is the New Civil Right Mr. Arcelius Brickhouse, Executive Director of Instructional Leadership

C.O.R.E. Learning Network

C.O.R.E. Learning Network, Collaborative, Organized, Responsive, Effective: Students are at the Core of Our Work Ms. Jennifer Bryant, Executive Director of Instructional Leadership