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After School & Summer Programs

The After School Snack and Supper is a federally funded reimbursement program that provides snack or supper meals at no cost.

This service is available to programs that offer enrichment and/or education activities for at-risk children and teenagers after the regular school days end. Child Nutrition Services supports this program. For more information please review the CACFP Training and CACFP Application. Program Coordinator Guidelines information below:

After School Snack & Supper Report Form


Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format

Summer Meals will be served at Trexler Middle School and South Mountain Middle School from June 17-August 9, Mondays through Thursdays.  Breakfast will be available from 7:30am-8:30am and Lunch will be available from 11am-1pm.  These sites will be open sites (any school-aged children are welcome to attend – children do not need to be students enrolled in the Allentown School District to participate at open sites).

Families are encouraged to enter through the main office and will be directed to the cafeteria.  During the summer, meals must be eaten in the cafeteria.  Adults over 18 years old wishing to eat with their family can get a breakfast or lunch at a discounted rate of $1.00/per meal.

Summer Report Form


Month/Date/Year (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Full Namerequired
First Name
Last Name