All users of District facilities must be groups that are open to District residents without restriction to race, creed, national origin, or political affiliation and may not have a charter or admission policy that violates state, county and federal statutes and regulations.
All users of district facilities will fall into one (1) of the following classifications:
NOTE: Political campaigning on district property, other than at designated poling areas on Election Day, is prohibited.
Type I - The user requesting use of an Allentown School District facility is an Allentown School District not-for-profit group, organized solely for the purposes of supporting and enhancing the mission of the school for which it formed, and 100 percent of the group's proceeds from the facility use benefit the Allentown School District. Type 1 users also include units or elected officials of Federal, State, or local government or local civic groups when conducting community or official business.
Examples of a Type 1 User would be:
- Allentown School District Booster Clubs
- Allentown School District Parent Teacher Organizations
Type 2 - The user requesting Allentown School District facility is a tax-exempt organization, religious organization or government entity. The requesting user organization must be comprised of at least 50 percent or more Allentown School District residents.
Examples of a Type 2 User would be:
- Allentown Youth Organizations
Type 3 - The user requesting use of an Allentown School District facility is a tax-exempt organization, religious organization, or government entity. The requesting user organization is comprised of less than 50 percent Allentown School District residents. Allentown School District does not monetarily benefit from the event.
Examples of a Type 3 User would be:
- Allentown Regional Youth Organizations
Type 4 - All other use requests.