The following screenings are mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Screenings are not to be substituted for regular exams by your healthcare provider. The screenings are performed by the school nurse and health room nurses unless otherwise specified. Passive consent for all screenings is implied. If you do not want your child to participate in any of the state mandated screenings, you must provide a written statement indicating which screenings you do not want your child to have, to the school nurse/dental hygienist. You are then required to provide evidence of these screenings by your private medical provider. These requirements also apply to students who are homeschooled and students enrolled in Allentown School District’s virtual campus.
Height and Weight (BMI)
28 PA Code, Chapter 23.7 states “Height and weight measurement shall be conducted at least once annually and preferably twice annually. Every effort shall be made to determine the pattern of growth for each child so that his weight and height can be interpreted in light of his own growth pattern rather than those of his classmates.”
BMI screening results will be posted to the parent portal by June of each school year. If your student’s BMI is under the 5th percentile or a or above the 85th percentile, contact your healthcare provider to discuss.
NOTE: Beginning with school year 2015-16, the Department of Health BMI-for-age percentile categories will match the CDC BMI-for-age percentile categories as follows:
Underweight: < 5th percentile
Healthy Weight: 5th - < 85th percentile
Overweight: 85th - < 95th percentile
Obese: =/> 95th percentile
28 PA Code, Chapter 23.4 states “Vision screening tests shall be conducted annually by a nurse, teacher or medical technician. If you have a concern or suspect a visual problem, a comprehensive eye exam by an eye care professional is highly recommended.”
If a student does not pass the visual screening a referral notice will be sent home. A referral means you should contact your family doctor and/or an eye care professional to discuss a comprehensive eye examination.
** PARENTS/Guardians: If you do not have vision insurance please contact your school nurse. Your student may qualify for a vision voucher that will include a free eye exam and a free pair of eyeglasses at designated providers**
28 PA Code, Chapter 23.5(d) states “Each year, pupils in Kindergarten, special ungraded classes, and grades one, two, three, seven and 11 shall be given a hearing screening test.”
If a student does not pass the hearing screening a referral notice will be sent home. A referral means you should contact your family doctor and/or an audiologist to discuss a comprehensive hearing examination.
If you have a concern, suspect a hearing problem, or your child has an existing hearing condition, contact with your healthcare provider.
28 PA Code, Chapter 23.10(b) states “A scoliosis screening test shall be administered to students in grade six and grade seven and to age-appropriate students in ungraded classes.”
The purpose of the scoliosis screening is to detect any abnormal curvature of the spine.
If a student does not pass the scoliosis screening a referral notice will be sent home. A referral means you should contact your family doctor to discuss a comprehensive examination.
What does a referral mean?
If you receive a referral form after any school screening or examination, it means that the screening or examination detected a possible problem and further evaluation by a professional health care provider is recommended. The referral form is to be completed by your private health care provider and returned to the school nurse.