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Working Papers

Students enrolled in Allentown School District schools may attain their work permit in the School Counseling Office at their home school.

Work Permit Application

Allentown School District Students ONLY: 

  • Attendance and grades will be reviewed by the issuing officer in the school counseling office. 
  • Work permits will be denied for any student who is failing a major subject or is considered chronically absent (missing 10% or more of the school year). 
  • You may reapply after a 6-week period of consistent attendance and grade improvement has been demonstrated. 
  • A work permit that has been issued may be revoked if you are failing in any major subject area or are truant at any time after receiving a work permit. A work permit that has been issued may be revoked for the same reasons and with the same requirements for reapplication. 

Allentown School District students who are not enrolled in the Allentown School District but reside in Allentown (Charter, Cyber, Private and Homeschool students) :

Due to the compulsory attendance law, work permits may only be obtained through the Allentown School District during after-school hours or staff development days.  Students requesting a work permit during school hours will be denied. 

Work permits can be requested in person:
Allentown School District Administration Building
31 S. Penn Street
Allentown, PA 18109

Or electronically:

Required Steps

Step 1. Complete the full Work Permit Application in blue or black ink. 

Step 2. A parent or legal guardian is required to sign the document.

  • Your parent/guardian does not need to be present for you to receive a working paper application/permit. You may take the application home to be signed by your parent or guardian or print/download the application form found at the bottom of this page.  The parent/guardian signing the permit must match the parent/guardian of record in our student information system. 

Step 3.   Attach photocopies of required documents to the completed application, such as a proof of age document. 

  • Acceptable documents include birth certificate, hospital record, baptismal certificate, passport, or Permanent Resident Registration, driver’s license/permit, or state ID card with date of birth listed.
  • If applying electronically, attach digital copies, such as a scan or digital photograph and send to
  • If applying by mail with a paper application, the student should include an attachment of the required documents and contact information.

Step 4. The school district issuing officer will ensure that all the documents required by law have been examined, approved, and filed, and all conditions and requirements for issuing a permit have been fulfilled.

Step 5.   A wallet-sized, paper work permit bearing a number, the date of issuance, and the signature of the issuing officer will be issued. When received, the student should sign the work permit in the presence of the issuer and show it to the employer, who will make a copy for their records. The student retains the original work permit. 

Direct all questions, applications, and documents to our District Office

Working Papers Office
31 S Penn St.
Allentown, PA 18109

Pennsylvania Child Labor Laws require minors between the ages of 14 and 18 to obtain working papers for employment. The law limits the number of hours per day and hours per week and the times of day during which minors are permitted to work. Some occupations are restricted for certain ages. For more information, please contact the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance at 1-800-932-0665 or visit their web site at

For more information, go to the Pennsylvania Department of Education website by clicking here.