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Effective Monday, June 24, 2024, the Allentown School District contracted with Student Transportation of America to provide transportation for our summer learning programs.

During the school year, the District & STA will provide busing to more than 5,500 students. 

Families with questions about transportation can contact the STA Terminal directly at: 484-209-0898.

Request for Transportation Under ACT 372 Charter/Non-public School Students

According to Pennsylvania Law, students are entitled to transportation as follows:

  1. Charter / Non-Public Schools - A District must provide identical provisions for resident public school students who attend charter/non-public schools and reside 1.5 miles or more walking distance from home to school for elementary students (Grades K-5) through Student Transportation of America buses. District charter school secondary students (Grades 6-12) who live 2.0 miles or more walking distance from home to school will utilize LANTA services. An Allentown School District transportation ID will be provided. Secondary students (Grades 6-12) who attend charter/non-public schools outside of Allentown School District will utilize Student Transportation of America buses.
  2. Transportation for charter/non-public school students must be provided to and from the charter/non-public school in which the student is enrolled, even if the charter/non-public school is located outside the district, as long as the distance is not more than 10 miles beyond the district’s boundaries. (Note: This distance may be in excess of 10 miles from the student’s home.)
  3. A district may transport students who live along hazardous routes determined by PennDOT even though the students live within walking distance of the school.
  4. There may also be times when non-public or charter schools choose to go with a delayed opening and Allentown School District does not. When that happens, the Allentown School District will honor the request. Students will be transported according to the delayed schedule requested by the non-public or charter school.
  5. If the Allentown School District is closed due to the weather or emergency conditions, the buses will not run, regardless if the non-public or charter school is open. If the Allentown School District has a two-hour delay, all Allentown School District non-public and charter school buses will run on the two-hour delay schedule.

If you think you are eligible for transportation and request transportation, please complete the Request for Transportation Under Act 372 Form and return to your non-public or charter school immediately.

This form should also be used to indicate an address change.

Director of Transportation
Andrew Krahulik-Knapp

Transportation Manager
Tina Hemphill


Notification of Video/Audio on School Buses

Video/Audio Surveillance

The use of a video/audio recording is intended to assist the administration, contractors, and drivers in observing behavior, preventing violation of bus rules, school rules, regulations, district policies and Pennsylvania law, and utilizing and/or dispensing such surveillance when required for disciplinary, civil and/or criminal matters. Video/Audio recorders may be placed on any and all buses or schools. All students are subject to being videotaped on the school bus or at school at any time. The video/audio media are intended for use with respect to issues relating to safety and behavior on the bus and at school. Video/audio media are not intended for general viewing by a student, employee, parent/guardian, or public and shall not be made available for general viewing purposes.   Refer to Policy #810.2